Virtual Talks and Workshops for Teachers and Students

Black and white photograph of students taking a class postwar in a DP camp
Jewish refugees take a class at the Schlachtensee Displaced Persons camp, c. 1946-1948.
Wiener Holocaust Library Collections.

We are delighted to announce that the Library’s new free educational series for the 2022 Spring/Summer Term is now open for booking.

Run by the Library’s experienced education team and guided by the British curriculum, the programme of talks and workshops are aimed at teachers and students of the Holocaust wishing to deepen their understanding of the Holocaust through engagement with the Library’s unique and historic archive.

The series will help participants to critically consider each topic and explore the variety of ways in which it can be approached in an educational setting.

Upcoming Events

Black and white photograph of Jewish women wearing the yellow star of david
Jewish women walking in the street with yellow Star of Davids attached to their outer clothing. France, c. 1940s.
Wiener Holocaust Library Collections.

Virtual Student Revision: Democracy and Nazism: The Racial State, Wednesday 25 May, 4-5pm

This revision session, aimed at GCSE and A-Level students, will utilise sources from the Library’s unique archive to examine the Nazi’s creation of a ‘Racial State’. It will explore the radicalisation of the state; Nazi racial ideology; increasing antisemitic policies and actions as well as the treatment of Jews in the early years of war by looking at the development of ghettos and deportations.

Delivered by Kiera Fitzgerald, the Library’s Education Officer, this session is suitable for those studying the following: KS3 History; GCSE History Edexcel: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939; GCSE History OCR: Germany 1925-1955: The People and The State. Edexcel A-Level History – Germany and West Germany, 1918–89; OCR History Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963; AQA History: Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-1945.

Book here.

Past Events

2021 Autumn Term

  • Virtual Student Talk: An Introduction to the Holocaust

    In this virtual talk, aimed at GCSE and A-Level students, the Library’s Head of Education, Dr Barbara Warnock, will draw upon the Library’s rich and diverse collections of original historical material to provide an introduction to the key events and the main features of the Holocaust.

  • Virtual Teacher Workshop: Using Photographs in Teaching about the Holocaust

    This virtual workshop, aimed at British secondary school teachers and educators will critically consider the use of photographs in Holocaust education.

  • Virtual Student Talk: The Nazi Rise to Power

    This virtual talk, aimed at GCSE and A-Level students will utilise sources from the Library’s unique archive to examine the Nazi rise to power. It will explore the aftermath of the First World War, the role of the Weimar Republic, the early years of the Nazi Party formation and how the Nazis ultimately consolidated their power.

  • Virtual Teacher Workshop: Life Before the Holocaust

    This virtual workshop, aimed at British secondary school teachers and educators, will use a variety of sources from the Library’s archive to explore the diversity of life in Europe before the Holocaust.

2022 Spring Term