Joint Statement for Refugee Week
The Wiener Holocaust Library and Waging Peace This Refugee Week, The Wiener Holocaust Library remembers its refugee origins and insists that all refugees must be treated with dignity and respect. […]
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The Wiener Holocaust Library and Waging Peace This Refugee Week, The Wiener Holocaust Library remembers its refugee origins and insists that all refugees must be treated with dignity and respect. […]
The Library’s Assistant Curator reflects on the projects and archival work accomplished through Arts Council England funding between 2020 and 2022.
The Library’s Photo Archivist explores a recently catalogued and digitised Family Papers collection, supported by Arts Council England funding.
The Library’s Senior Archivist explores a recently catalogued and digitised Family Papers collection, supported by Arts Council England funding.
The Library’s Project Archivist explores a recently catalogued and digitised Family Papers collection, supported by Arts Council England funding.
Applications are open to attend the HGRP’s one-day virtual symposium that will examine themes related to the challenges of transnational digital curation and the sustainability of digital humanities resources.
Our two-day events programme at the Manchester Jewish Museum offers historians, archivists, family historians and heritage practitioners the chance to view one of the Library’s exhibitions and learn more about the ITS archive.
The Wiener Holocaust Library is pleased to announce a new events series that will explore the meaning and legacy of family research into the Holocaust as well as offer practical […]
Although Russia’s invasion of Ukraine came as a surprise to many, the war (and President Vladimir Putin’s false justifications for it) must be considered against a historical and cultural background […]
Dr Dave Rich details what fighting antisemitism looks like in a modern and digital age in the UK today.