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Volunteers Week 2024: Celebrating our amazing volunteers

Our volunteers are vital to our success as an institution. Undertaking translation, document numbering, conservation, and delivering guided tours, they form a valuable part of our operation. This Volunteers Week we’re delighted to share a selection of testimonials from our current volunteers, describing the important work they undertake and what it means to them to be a part of the Library team.

Refugee Week 2024

Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts & culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Established in 1998 in the UK, this annual festival aligns with World Refugee Day, celebrated globally on June 20th.

Genocidal Captivity and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Yezidis

This week representatives from the Library were honoured to attend a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Yezidis in the Houses of parliament. The meeting included contributions from two survivors of the genocide, Hewan Omer and Khalida Ilyas, who now work with the Free Yezidi Foundation in Iraq, a not-for-profit providing humanitarian and human rights support to Yezidis.

Heritage Fund The Association of Jewish Refugees Federal Foreign Office
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