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Cultural Production in the Confines of Theresienstadt: Works in The Foyle Special Collections Library and The Wiener Holocaust Library

This blog is a collaboration between the Wiener Holocaust Library and the Foyle Special Collections Library at King’s College London written by Madeleine Ahern (Librarian and Project Cataloguer at The Wiener Holocaust Library) and Simone Gaddes (Library Assistant at The Foyle Special Collections Library, King’s College London).

A New Year’s message from our Director

Our Library has a crucial role to play as the world’s oldest Holocaust archive and Britain’s most important collection of evidence of modern genocide. We are sincerely thankful for your support over the past year, without which our impressive achievements in 2023 would not have been possible.

The Big Give 2023: Help us raise £45,000 to continue our vital work in uncertain times

The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023, the UK’s largest online match funding campaign, is now live and we are pleased to be participating once again. This year we aim to raise £45,000 support us to continue to be a world-leading Holocaust archive, offering valuable resources for education, ground-breaking research, and vital public engagement.

Heritage Fund The Association of Jewish Refugees Federal Foreign Office
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