‘Haifa and the Bay of Akka, east from Mt. Carmel, Palestine’ (1904)

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Part of a larger collection titled 'Palestine through the Stereoscope' showing various locations at the turn of the 20th century, including Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem.
Text Description
This item is part of a larger collection entitled 'Palestine through the Stereoscope' produced by Underwood & Underwood between 1895-1904. Underwood & Underwood had been producing stereographs since 1890 and around 1900 began introducing boxed sets based around specific themes. These themes included religion and travel, and many depicted various tourist sites across the world. Other locations depicted in this collection include Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the River Jordan, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.
Heritage Fund The Association of Jewish Refugees Federal Foreign Office
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