“Let’s Go…Canada!” recruitment poster by Henry Eveleigh, 1942

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Poster 19
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Short Description
This poster was one of many issued by the Director of Public Information in Ottawa, Canada, to encourage Canadian enlistment.
Text Description
We hold a large collection of posters covering a broad range of themes connected with the Holocaust, World War Two, and Nazi society. As well as showing Nazi recruitment and antisemitism, the Library’s collection also contains anti-Nazi posters, Allied recruitment for nursing and the war effort generally such as the one here. This poster was one of many issued by the Director of Public Information in Ottawa, Canada, to encourage Canadian enlistment. The illustrator, Henry Eveleigh, was one of Canada’s leading educators in graphic design of the 20th century. He was born in Shanghai in 1909 to British parents and studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London before immigrated to Montreal in 1938. His other posters for the Canadian war effort during World War II include “When? It's Up To You!” (1941-1942), made to support aircraft production. Contact Us to find out more about this unique collection.
Heritage Fund The Association of Jewish Refugees Federal Foreign Office
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