Collection highlights: Object

We asked our staff, trustees and friends of the Library to choose a special selection of items from our collection.

While books, pamphlets, photographs, and documents make up the vast majority of the holdings in The Wiener Holocaust Library, we also hold a small but significant number of other objects, religious items, medals, and paper ephemera. These items offer a valuable and fascinating insight into the day-to-day lives of people living in the Nazi period.

Adolf Hitler Legespiel

A game comprising of different shaped blocks which can be assembled to create words and symbols associated with the Nazi Party.

Yellow star

Two yellow stars reading 'Jude'

Führer Quartett Spiel

A card game featuring Hitler and other high ranking Nazis. The aim of the game is to collect a full set.

Juden Raus! board game

Juden Raus!, ‘history’s most infamous board game’.

Embroidered belt made by Sonia Jaslowitz

This embroidered belt was made by Sonia Jaslowitz whilst in a concentration camp in Ukraine.

Heritage Fund The Association of Jewish Refugees Federal Foreign Office
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