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Rare anti-Nazi resistance pamphlets at the Library

In February 2021, The Wiener Holocaust Library began a one-year project to digitise and produce metadata for our entire rare and diverse collection of Tarnschriften (disguised anti-Nazi resistance pamphlets), as well as a small cross-section of the Library’s wider pamphlet collection.

Being Human 2021 – Loss and Renewal: Tracing the Holocaust

In this two-day event series we invite those interested in the history of the Second World War, the Holocaust and its aftermath to participate and reflect on the legacies of confronting difficult histories, both on the personal and broader, historical level.

Gerty Simon’s subjects in London

Senior Curator, Dr Barbara Warnock, explores the subjects that the German-Jewish artist, Gerty Simon, photographed in her London studio.

Reflecting on the legacies of eugenics

Professor Marius Turda introduces the Library’s upcoming temporary exhibition which will explore the history and the legacies of the global eugenics movement.

Heritage Fund The Association of Jewish Refugees Federal Foreign Office
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